Monday, October 20, 2008

Here I am

So, I just needed some place to just babble to myself and I know that I spend way to much time on the computer anyway so it might as well be here. My little mind doesn't seem to retain information very well, let alone feelings and memories that should never dissapear. So here I am ready to start storing things that may or may not be valuable to me in the future.

1. Vincent is growing up so fast! I am loosing another little boy, and it freaks me out!!! I was thinking about how Jason was just a sweet little boy who stuttered when he got excited. The next thing I knew he's driving and dating and he's mad because I won't let him drive to Morgan to go on a date. I don't know where the in between little and big boys went! And now, here is Vincent in that in between age and I am afraid that I'm going to miss it with him too. I don't know how to slow myself down so that I can focus on the small little sweet things that my children (and I'm sure my honey Ben) do. And I don't know that even if I did slow down, that I would remember these things any better. It is so hard for me to go through these changing stages with my kids. I was the same way with George when he all of a sudden wasn't my little buddy anymore. He just one day was grown up.

2. I love my bishop. He is definitely in tune with our ward and it's needs. He made a major sacrifice for our youth by giving his right hand man... his best friend probably in years, maybe his life (outside of his beautiful wife and children of course)... his first councelor. The closeness these two men share is obvious. Jason and Vincent are going to be blessed by having Bro Selin in the young men, and my testimony of callings coming from the Lord has been strengthened tremendously.

3. I am so stressed by the whole economy thing. Yet, I still have a hard time buckling down and saving and putting the money where it should go. It makes me feel a little crazy.

4. I love to hear Rae say "Love you Mommy!" Over and over and over as she goes through all the hand motions and kiss blowing and huggggggsss! I love being Mommy. It's odd how at times I really feel "the mommy" and other times it's like "wow, I'm the Mommy". Lately, I feel like the genuine Mommy... the real thing, not like some one trying to play the part. I don't know it that really makes sense, but since I'm the one this is written for, hopefully I can figure it out when I come back.... ya right! :)

Okay, now I am just getting fuzzy head again... I really despise fuzzy head. So I am going off to bed. Maybe I can fill in some more random thoughts tomorrow.

I LOVE FIDDLER ON THE ROOF!!! Just thought I'd toss that in tonight.