Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Teaching Philosophy :)

So... here I am... YEARS since my first and only attempt at blogging on this page.  For your reading delight, I'm to share my own, personal teaching philosophy.  Now as you may or may not know, I am not an eloquent speaker, nor talented author. Therefor, you may feel free to talk on your cellphone, watch a little "Dance Moms" or chitchat with your neighbor while I ramble.

I love children, absolutely adore them.  They might drive me a little batty sometimes, but so does my husband and I'd do just about anything for him.  I feel the same way about my kids, all 24, 29, 34 of them.  However many there may be, I'll do anything I can for them.  Teaching is time.  Time to learn who your students are- not just their names, but their likes and dislikes, their strengths and weaknesses, their history and their desires for their futures.  Time to prepare the information they need in a way they will understand, and not only understand, but want to understand more!  Time to listen to their ideas and then time to help implement them.  Time to work out problems, time to work on problems.  Time to correct, correct and correct.  Oh the many ways teaching equals time.

Anyone who knows me can attest to the fact that I've always wanted to be a teacher, from the time I was a little girl playing school with my sister and our dolls to the present where I am blessed to work in a school.  I've had the opportunity to work with children of all ages, put me in first grade or sixth, it doesn't matter.  I love the kiddos and I'm pretty darn sure they'll love me too!

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